Andrew Archer

1. Hi Andrew! Please tell me what kind of person you are.

I was born in Auckland, New Zealand and grew up there until my early twenties when I went on the live overseas in Europe and then Asia, until moving to Melbourne, Australia where I live now. There are no creatives in my family really, nobody can draw or had any interest in the arts. In some ways I was the outlaw of the family  (I didn’t go to university) and pursued my own path.

2.Where are you live? Is there any recommend spot near by?

I live in Melbourne, which is a very culturally mixed city in Australia. There are people from all over the work which is what I love the most about it. The food is great, the bars are great and there is some good basketball. If I was visiting I’d definitely recommend the NGV art museum, it’s world class and has some great exhibitions, followed by my favorite izakaya, Nihonshu in the city.

3.How did you start your carrier of art? Did you learn it at school?

I actually only took art in school for 3 weeks, unfortunately art in school was not what I imagined it would be and I disagreed with the teacher and got kicked out. I was into skateboarding at the time and always admired the skateboard deck graphics, this is what I wanted to be creating so I left school one year early and did a one year diploma of graphic design. I enjoyed it but it wasn’t exactly what I wanted to be doing, I was passionate about drawing but my skills were not as good as they needed to be so I spent the next 2 years working part time as a graphic designer for a sign writing store while practicing my drawing in every spare moment. I taught myself everything with tutorials, anatomy books and classes, and many failures! Persistence and passion prevailed in the end and I was given some opportunities to draw and it just snowballed from there.

4.Why did you choose basketball as the motif of your artwork?

It never was my intention, but basketball has always been a huge part of my life and naturally was making it’s way into my work. A few years back I looked at the work I was doing and decided I wanted to focus on working more within my areas of passion, basketball, culture, asia and community. From there it has just really taken off, I guess people can just sense that the work was full of my passions.

5.How was the collaboration work with AKTR?

I’ve been in contact with AKTR now for a while, since I met them through Franchise magazine. They are they most amazing group of people and represent everything I love about basketball and community. We share many common interests and the idea to collaborate came very organically. When I met the team at Sporty Coffee and the AKTR office in Tokyo, I knew we would come together at some point to create together and more so in the future!
私はフランチャイズマガジンを通じて彼らを知って以来、しばらくの間AKTRと連絡を取り合ってきたんだ。彼らは素晴らしくて、私が愛するバスケットボールとそのコミュニティの全てを体現していると思ったよ。私たちには多くの共通の話題があって、共同作業のアイデアは非常に有機的なものでした。私はSPORTY COFFEEと東京のAKTR事務所でみんなに出会ったとき、将来何か一緒に面白いことができると知ってたよ!
6.What do you usually do on dayoff?
Play basketball, watch NBA, draw ideas for Edo Ball and eat nice food. In no specific order 🙂
バスケしてるか、NBAを見るか、Edo Ballのアイディアを描いたり、ご飯食べたり、のどれかだね

7.Please show us your studio!

I work in a shared studio with around 10 other creatives who do various jobs (photographers, designers, video production, fashion, and more). It’s a great space and I love working with other people around and sharing ideas and laughs. It’s a great environment which is an essential part of my creative career, I couldn’t work at home by myself.. I love getting up, getting on the streets and to work and sharing the day with other people who are also passionate about what they are doing, it’s very inspiring.
=8.Do you have any interesting project shortly?

Well Edo Ball has been quiet for sometime now… not because I forgot about it 😉 But because I have some great work from Edo Ball to introduce very soon. As well as that I am working on some animations for the NBA, some work for musical artists which will release soon and a handful of other small projects.
うーんと、Edo Ballは最近新しいのを出していなかったんだけど忘れてたわけじゃなくて、Edo Ballからいくつかの素晴らしい仕事をもうすぐ紹介できると思うよ!NBAのためのいくつかのアニメーションも準備中だし、ミュージシャンとの仕事ももうすぐリリースされるし、他にもいくつかのプロジェクトを進行しているところだよ!


Edo-Ball by Andrew Archer

Edo-BallはAndrew Archer による、バスケットボール/日本/NBAなどの文化にインスパイアされた22のアートワークからなるシリーズです。その作品は世界中のバスケットボールファンに届けられ、数多くのコラボレーションを実現しています。

Andrew Archer  はニュージーランドのAucklandで生まれ、オーストラリアのMelbourneに拠点を置くイラストレーター兼アートディレクターです。ポップカルチャーやファッション、シュルレアリスム、木版画、そしてアジアで過ごした時間に触発され、彼の作品はどれも幻想的な色とリズミカルなラインの調和で満たされています。そしてその多様性とユニークなアプローチによって、様々なクライアントと仕事をしています。

Edo-Ball is a series of 22 artworks inspired by Basketball, Japan, NBA and Culture work of Andrew Archer. Each artwork is created from scratch and has a unique story behind it. Beautiful basketball art presented as museum quality prints on archival paper.

Andrew Archer is an illustrator and art director who was born in Auckland, New Zealand and currently resides in Melbourne, Australia.
Inspired by pop culture, fashion, surrealism, wood block prints and his time spent in Asia his work is a self asserting mix of hallucinogenic colour and rhythmic line. Andrew mixes visual styles effortlessly and his versatility and unique approach to each individual brief has seen him work with a diverse range of clients.